Result Codes

The Result Code is a three-digit number that specifies the result of the processed operation, e.g. "success" or "failure"

Result Codes indicating a transaction failure are always associated with response type STATUS_ERROR. Therefore, only the Result Code has to be evaluated to determine the response result (except PAYMENT_QUERY, see below).

Evaluating the Result Code

The following table provides an overview of all the gateway operations and corresponding Result Codes.

Gateway operations and Result Codes

Operation Success Rejection Technical Error Warning
PAYMENT_INIT 350 - 150 -
PAYMENT_QUERY* 402 401 150 405
PAYMENT_REQUEST 402 401 150 405
PAYMENT_CONFIRM 400 401 150 405
PAYMENT_CHANGE 403 401 150 405

*) The PAYMENT_QUERY needs a different evaluation. To determine if a following PAYMENT_REQUEST will be successful, the corresponding product has to be available.

**) Although sending the same CALCULATION_REQUEST again is possible, the result will always be the same. This result indicates a request with wrong parameters.

List of Result Codes and corresponding Reason Codes

Abbr. Description
Result Code Reason Code Reason Message PQ PR PC CD
402 700 Request successful
401 701 merchant limit exceeded *
401 703 Request not successful *
401 720 Declined - Payment attribute *
401 721 Declined - Transaction risk *
401 800 B2B customer not identified, manual check necessary
150 730 Declined - Buyer identity *
150 1000 technical error
150 2001 different delivery address for current product not allowed
401 2002 B2B not allowed for current product
150 2003 Date of Birth invalid
150 2004 due date parameter(s) not valid
150 2005 Shopping basket amount too low for current product
150 2006 Shopping basket amount too high for current product
150 2100 billing address not valid
150 2101 delivery address not valid
150 2110 IBAN not valid **
150 2111 bank account conversion service not present and no IBAN available **
150 2112 BIC not valid
150 2114 Validation failed: Customer parameter vat-id is mandatory for B2B request
150 2115 Validation failed: vat-id not valid for billing address
150 2119 Basket amount does not match sum of all basket items
150 2120 request must contain at least one item in shopping basket
150 2300 Request basket not valid {message}
150 2303 Equal items found in basket – items have to be unique

*) The Reason Codes submitted by PAYMENT_QUERY response will only contain Reason Codes for technical and validation issues.

**) Bank account data is optional for PAYMENT_QUERY.