150: Processing failed


The request was rejected because of technical reasons. In most cases, this is caused by invalid input data. A corrected request may be sent with a new transaction-id.

Refers to Status Code


Possible Reason Codes

100: Internal server error

101: Database access error

102: Risk Management processing error.

120: Authentification failed: Merchant or product not active

121: * request must contain credential.

200: Validation failed

201: Operation missing. Please check request.

202: Illegal operation type. Please check request.

206: PAYMENT_INIT request may not contain transaction-id

208: PAYMENT_INIT request may not contain content element

209: * request must contain content element

210: * content must contain shopping basket

211: PAYMENT_QUERY content must contain customer if classification is requested

212: PAYMENT_REQUEST content must contain payment

213: PAYMENT_REQUEST content must contain payment method

214: * request must contain operation subtype

216: * content must contain customer data

217: Installment details mandatory for payment method

219: Installment amount mandatory for payment method

220: Customer parameter contacts is mandatory for request

221: Customer parameter email is mandatory for request

222: Customer parameter first name is mandatory for request

223: Customer parameter last name is mandatory for request

224: Customer parameter addresses is mandatory for request

225: Customer parameter customer-allow-credit-inquiry is mandatory for request

226: Customer parameter gender is mandatory for request

227: Customer parameter date-of-birth is mandatory for B2C request

229: Amount mandatory for payment method

230: Bank account data mandatory

231: Debit pay type is allowed for INSTALLMENT only

232: CALCULATION_REQUEST request must contain credential

233: CALCULATION_REQUEST request must contain content element

234: CALCULATION_REQUEST request must contain operation subtype

235: CALCULATION_REQUEST request must contain installment-calculation-element

236: CALCULATION_REQUEST request for subtype 'calculation-by-rate' must contain calculation-rate

237: CALCULATION_REQUEST request for subtype 'calculation-by-time' must contain calculation-time

238: CONFIGURATION_REQUEST request must contain credential

239: CONFIGURATION_REQUEST request must not contain content element

240: Debit pay type is mandatory for payment method INSTALLMENT

241: * request must contain transaction-id

242: No more than 10 numerical characters allowed for bank-account-number

243: Required 8 numerical characters for bank-code

250: Billing country not allowed

251: Delivery country not allowed

260: Shop-id in external block is mandatory for this product / Request must not contain shop-id

261: All items must contain a shop-id / All items must not contain a shop-id

701: Merchant limit exceeded / Transaction result error

702: Transaction result error

730: Declined - Buyer identity

1000: Technical error

2001: Different delivery address for current product not allowed

2003: Date of Birth invalid

2004: Due date parameter(s) not valid

2305: Payment change credit has to contain only new credit/debit item(s)

2006: Shopping basket amount too high for current product

2100: Billing address not valid

2101: Delivery address not valid

2111: Bank account conversion service not present and no iban available

2112: BIC not valid

2114: Validation failed: Customer parameter vat-id is mandatory for B2B request

2115: Validation failed: vat-id not valid for billing address

2116: Validation failed: item discount not allowed for current api version

2117: Validation failed: discount not allowed for current api version

2118: Validation failed: shipping costs not allowed for current api version

2119: Basket amount does not match sum of all basket items

2120: Request must contain at least one item in shopping basket

2300: Request basket not valid {message} unknown item

2301: Payment change credit is not allowed before delivery

2302: Sum of delivered items is negative

2303: Equal items found in basket

2304: Payment change credit must not contain special shipping item

2305: Payment change credit has to contain only new credit/debit item(s)

2306: Order (sum of open and delivered amounts) must not be negative

2307: Item quantity from request does not match corresponding item quantity in current_basket-table

2308: One or more mandatory item attributes are missing

2310: Test in production not allowed

2311: The order is blocked for further changes