Legal Requirements

Some legal requirements have to be fulfilled in order to implement Pay Later directly in a shop.

Transparency for shoppers

The main thing to keep in mind is that Pay Later is a Ratepay product and the shop offering it is acting as an intermediate between the customer and Ratepay.


The shopper booking Pay Later through a shop's frontend has to be aware of this fact before booking Pay Later in order to form a legally valid contract.

The following points should be ensured to achieve this:

  • The shop's data privacy statement should state that data used for the checkout and payment process will be shared with Ratepay when booking Pay Later.
  • In the shop's Pay Later booking process it should be stated that data used for the checkout and payment process will be shared with Ratepay when booking Pay Later.

Compliance with laws


Setting up the webpage(s) you need to be aware that you are basically setting up an online shop. Therefore, you need to adhere to all rules on distance contracts and the provisions on the conclusions of e-contracts (e.g. BGB, EGBGB) relevant for the time until the booking. Ratepay complies with all such rules relevant for the time after the booking.

The following points should be ensured to achieve this:

  • In the shop's Pay Later booking process, the Ratepay Pay Later general terms and conditions (AGB) and data privacy statement have to be linked and should be near the button that triggers the Pay Later booking.

Pay Later Terms of Use and Data Privacy Statement

Ratepay Terms of Payment

Ratepay Data Privacy Statement