Correspondences from Ratepay

List of correspondence that Ratepay sends to customers

Open Invoice

Correspondence type Optional Triggered by...
Invoice x Transmission of Confirmation Deliver / Capture to Ratepay
Payment information x Transmission of Confirmation Deliver / Capture to Ratepay
Payment confirmation Payment by the customer
Payment reminder Reaching of the due date
First dunning Reaching of due date, mentioned in payment reminder
Last dunning Reaching of due date, mentioned in first dunning

Direct Debit

Correspondence type Optional Triggered by...
Invoice x Transmission of Confirmation Deliver / Capture to Ratepay
SEPA prenotification Transmission of Confirmation Deliver / Capture to Ratepay


Correspondence type Optional Triggered by...
Invoice x Transmission of Confirmation Deliver / Capture to Ratepay
Order information x Transmission of order to Ratepay
Initial instalment plan Transmission of Confirmation Deliver / Capture to Ratepay
Updated instalment plan Transmission of Credit / Refund to Ratepay
SEPA prenotification Transmission of Confirmation Deliver / Capture to Ratepay
Payment reminder Reaching of the due date
First dunning Reaching of due date, mentioned in payment reminder
Last dunning Reaching of due date, mentioned in first dunning
Total repayment Reaching of due date, mentioned in last dunning