
General information on the shop/marketplace integration of the Ratepay legal texts

In order to offer Ratepay payment methods to your customers, you have to integrate the Ratepay terms of payment and the Ratepay data privacy statement via a link in the checkout of your online shop/online marketplace (Basic integration in your checkout).

At the same time the Ratepay payment methods have to be included in your general terms and conditions and/or your separate page on the payment options you offer (Basic integration in your general terms and conditions / payment terms).

In addition, you must integrate further legal texts into your checkout in case individual customers cannot be provided with the desired payment method (Rejection integration in your checkout).

For the payment method Ratepay Direct Debit, you must also integrate the legal texts on the SEPA mandate in your checkout (SEPA integration in your checkout).

For the payment method Ratepay Payment by Instalments the integration of the Ratepay Instalment Calculator into your checkout is required (Instalment integration into your checkout).

For the Ratepay Pay Later deferral option, with which your customers can agree to extend the original payment period, the integration of the Pay Later legal texts into your checkout is required (Pay Later integration into your checkout).

Ratepay terms of payment and data privacy statement

The Ratepay terms of payment are considered to be an ancillary agreement to the sales contract you conclude with your customers and determine the conditions for the Ratepay payment method chosen by your customers with which they wish to pay. The Ratepay data privacy statement also applies to your customers and informs them about the data processing at Ratepay in accordance with applicable data protection laws. The Ratepay terms of payment and the data privacy statement are available (multilingual) at the following URLs:

Document URL
Ratepay terms of payment
Ratepay data privacy statement

The Ratepay terms of payment and the data privacy statement must be integrated into your checkout and your general terms and conditions or payment methods information page (Basic integration in your checkout and your terms and conditions/payment terms).

Rejection texts

In order to determine the probability of payment, Ratepay carries out a risk check based on the data provided by the customer and other technical device information.

If the result of the risk check is positive, the customer can successfully complete the purchase in the shop/marketplace.

If the result of the risk check is negative, the customer must switch to another payment method. The negative result must be communicated to the customer by means of standardized rejection texts in your checkout (Rejection Integration in your checkout).

Ratepay SEPA Direct Debit

German version

Mit der Ratepay Lastschrift können Ihre Kunden die Zahlung per SEPA-Lastschrift durchführen. Dazu ist es erforderlich, dass Ihre Kunden die IBAN angeben, von der der Forderungsbetrag abgebucht werden soll. Ihre Kunden müssen Ratepay (oder einem unserer Zahlungspartner) zudem zwingend ein SEPA Mandat erteilen. Der Mandatstext ist in Ihren Checkout zu integrieren. (SEPA mandate text) Je nach Verfügbarkeit und technischen Voraussetzungen, kann die IBAN auch für künftige Zahlungen Ihrer Kunden hinterlegt werden („Zahlungsdaten merken“-Option). Ihre Kunden müssen so die IBAN nicht erneut eingeben. Dazu muss ein entsprechender Hinweistext, der über die Speicherung der IBAN aufklärt, im Checkout integriert werden (Storing of SEPA payment data). Weitere Informationen zu der Option erhalten Sie gerne auf Anfrage. In Bezug auf die Zahlung per SEPA Lastschrift gab es jüngst Entscheidung auf europäischer Ebene. Einzelheiten dazu finden Sie am Ende dieses Integrationsleitfadens in den Informationen im Zusammenhang mit aufsichtsrechtlichen Vorgaben (ECJ ruling on litigation between Deutsche Bahn and Austrian Consumer Protection (VKI)).

English version

With the Ratepay Direct Debit your customers can make payments by SEPA direct debit. To do this, your customers must provide the IBAN from which the outstanding amount is to be withdrawn. Your customers must also give Ratepay (or one of our payment partners) a SEPA mandate. The mandate text must be integrated into your checkout (SEPA mandate text). Depending on availability and technical requirements, the IBAN can also be stored for future payments of your customers (" Save payment data"-option). Your customers do not have to enter the IBAN again. For this purpose, a corresponding note explaining how to store the IBAN must be integrated into the checkout (Storing of SEPA payment data). Further information on the option is available on request. With regard to payment by SEPA direct debit, a decision was recently made at European level. Details can be found at the end of this Integration Guide in the special interests-section.

Integration of the Ratepay Instalment Calculator

The Ratepay payment method payment by instalment is considered part payment transactions via remote sales (Teilzahlungsgeschäfte per Fernabsatz). These also enjoy numerous formal privileges (so-called remote sales privilege) (sog. Fernsabsatzprivileg). (One) prerequisite for this, however, is that your customers (who are consumers) are provided with certain information in another suitable form before the purchase is concluded, for example at the debit interest rate, the annual percentage rate of charge etc. (cf. § 507 I p. 2 BGB). This is done via the Ratepay Instalment Calculator, which must be integrated into your checkout if you want to offer your customers the Ratepay Payment by Instalments (Instalment Integration in your checkout)

Deferral option Ratepay Pay Later

[Section to come]