German Version

Vereinbarung über Auftragsdatenverarbeitung für das Ratepay Stammkundenkonzept für Händler

According to applicable data protection laws, the implementation of the Ratepay regular customer concept requires the conclusion of a Data Processing Agreement in accordance with Art. 28 GDPR ("DPA") between the Merchant and Ratepay.

The DPA is concluded between the Merchant and Ratepay via the Merchant Agreement or a respective Supplementary Agreement to the Merchant Agreement.

The text of the DPA is available to the Merchant below (Passwort available via Sales/KAM).

Aktuelle Fassung (23JAN06)

Download: 2023_Ratepay_Vereinbarung_Datenverarbeitung_im_Auftrag_(SKK).pdf

Vorversion (22MAY24)

Download: 20220524_Ratepay_Vereinbarung_Auftragsverarbeitung_(SKK)_v1.3_Ansicht.pdf