Payment & dunning status

Within the transaction you have the options to view

Payment- and dunning status

Payment status

You can view the open claim by clicking on the "Orders" tab. The amount can then be found at the bottom right:

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You can view the payment status by going to the "Details" tab. You will then find the current status at the bottom left:

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Here you can see whether the end customer has paid in full, in part or not at all. The following statuses are possible:

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Please note the special rules for instalment plans.

Dunning status

You can view the summary of reminder fees by clicking on the arrow next to "Payments and fees" at the bottom right of the "Order" tab:

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The reminder fees will then be shown as follows:

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The dunning status itself can be viewed in the "Details" tab. Our dunning process includes 4 dunning levels:

  • Payment reminder (sent by e-mail, no additional costs).
  • First reminder (sent by e-mail, the first reminder fee is due)
  • Final reminder (sent by e-mail and post, a further reminder fee is due)
  • Debt collection (the entire claim has been handed over to debt collection and is now being collected from the end customer there)

Dunning block

You can view the status of the dunning block in the "Details" tab. Here you can see until when the current dunning block is valid.

Dunning correspondences

In the lower part of the details page you can view the sent dunning correspondences:

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In the dunning correspondences you will find, for example, the invoice amounts sent to the customer, the fees incurred, the payment and additional deadlines and the bank details for each overdue invoice. If required, you have the option of retrieving the correspondences as HTML or PDF in order to send them again if necessary.

Special rules for instalment plans

Generally, instalment plans are displayed as "Underpaid" if they have not yet been fully paid off. Since an interest-rate is often charged on instalment plans, incoming instalment payments are split between the respective line items.

Example: The first instalment consists of the payment amount 8.13 EUR and the interest-rate 2.38 EUR. Enclosed is an excerpt from the instalment plan:

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Ratepay received the payment on time on 17.12.2020 and it is presented to you split according to the instalment plan as follows:

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Please note that due to technical challenges, variations in the open balance may occur. Please contact us if you have any questions!

Special rules for debt collection

Since we also hand over any ancillary claims such as return debit or reminder fees when a claim is handed over to the collection agency, these are displayed as cancelled. In the example image, the collection was handed over on 10.06.2020:

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These are now not collected by Ratepay but by the collection service provider and are still included there in the ancillary claims.