How to import a CSV settlement report into Excel

Problem: When the CSV is opened it is not correctly displayed by Excel

Solution: Use the integrated data import functionality of Excel to correctly import the file

import 0

  1. Open a new Excel file

import 1

  1. Under the "Data" tab, press "From Text" from the "Get External Data" group

import 2

  1. Mark the settlement report CSV file and press "Import"

import 3

  1. Confirm that "Delimited" is selected in the Original data type. If your settlement report contains special characters (German umlauts) you need to select File Origin (Dateiursprung) "65001: Unicode (UTF-8)" from the drop-down menu and press "Next"

import 4

  1. Make sure that only "Semicolon" is selected and press "Next"

import 5

  1. (Optional: if your locale does not use dot "." as decimal separator) Click "Advanced..."

import 6

6.1. (Optional: if your locale does not use dot "." as decimal separator) Set decimal point to dot "." and press "OK"

import 7

  1. Finally press "Finish"

import 8

  1. Select where to put the data ( =$A$1) and press "OK"

import 9

  1. The file is correctly imported into Excel. Do not forget to save it

import 10